Reviewers should respond within stipulated time frame, which is one week for the journal.
Reviewers should try to fill in all the parts of reviewers report so that a fair judgment regarding the quality of the paper can be made
As review is essential step towards publication process, every reviewer is therefore supposed to be fair in reviewing.
Any reviewer who feels him/herself as unqualified, or not having judgment idea or deficit of time should inform editor promptly, so that the paper can be forwarded elsewhere.
The review should be objective one, and personal feelings, judgments or biasness should not affect the review and its outcomes.
A reviewer should not review a paper that discusses any point that might have conflict of opinion with reviewer.
No manuscript should be reviewed which is authored, co-authored or authored by some known person/s, in order to avoid biasness.
A manuscript sent for review is confidential document, so it should be treated fairly and secretary and should not be shown somewhere else.
Reviewers should comment on each point clearly so that the judgment regarding acceptance/rejection or changes may be made on the basis of review.
If reviewer notices any similarity with any other paper published in any other journal, containing same contents and that issued should be addressed to editor.
While reviewing the paper the reviewer must ensure the following key points
- Originality of the Work,
- Contribution to field of technical quality of research
- Clarity of presentation and dept of research