Quality of information is a priceless asset for organization to possess as its assist in carrying out business plans and changes. These business changes usually support the management executive in decision makings. In view of that, this study examines the information quality in AIS and its effects on organizational performance among conventional and Islamic banks in Jordan. To achieve that, proportionate stratified random sampling is applied to the information system users of sixteen conventional and Islamic banks in Jordan. Total copies of 600 questionnaires were distributed and only 250 among the returned copies were valid, suggesting a valid response rate of 41.7%. The study adopts the partial least square (Smart PLS 3) method to enhance the data analysis and perform hypotheses testing. Findings clearly show that quality of information is the key for business growth as it indicates a positive effect on organizational performance. Further result shows that organizational culture improves and increases business performance when combined with information quality. For this reason, conventional and Islamic banks in Jordan should have well-developed AIS as it assists organizations to -attain higher performance. There is need for more development in management skills to fully exploit the AIS in order to realize a greater organizational performance. In other words, full implementation of AIS should be given more priority by the managements of these conventional and Islamic banks.